Monday, December 10, 2007

All I want for Christmas......

Jackson lost his other front tooth yesterday. He was so excited that it was finally out and he could put it under his pillow for the tooth fairy to find. He had been nursing his little loose tooth for quite a while. He was so afraid of it hurting when it came out. Daddy finally had to pull it out because it really was starting to look pretty gross! I held him down while Josh pulled it out. He was kinda freaking out, but he was so happy when it was out. Now he can sing, "All I want for Christmas is my two front teeth". Only 4 more days of school and then its Christmas break for 3 weeks. We leave on December 22nd for Utah to spend Christmas with the family. Everyone here is on countdown mode. Only 11 more days!

1 comment:

Keri said...

Luck you, I want 3 weeks off for christmas. Love the pic. of your kids in their pj's. THey are getting so big. Crazy. I hope the next time I see them isnt when Josh leaves on a mission or Kailie gets married. Have a safe trip.