Monday, December 10, 2007

I've been tagged...

What is his name? Josh
How long have you been together? 16+ years, wow!
How long did you date? 19 months
How old is he? 34
Who said I love you first? Josh
Who is taller? Josh
Who sings better? Josh, I am a horrible singer!
Who is smarter? ME, ha ha!
Whose temper is worse? Josh
Who does the laundry? me
Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? Josh
Who pays the bills?Me
Who mows the lawn? Joshua (the son) or Josh, I do it if it gets too outta control.
Who does the dishes? me or the kids, very rarely Josh.
Who cooks dinner? me
Who drives when you are together? me mostly, sometimes Josh.
Who is more stubborn? me
Who is the first to admit when they are wrong? me for sure! He hates to admit it when he's wrong.
Who kissed who first? Josh at an old folks home in Rexburg, Idaho. LOL
Who asked who out? Josh
Who proposed? Josh
Who is more sensitive? Josh, he can dish it out, but he can't take it.
Who has more friends? me
Who wears the pants in the family?ME, ha ha

Now I tag Tricia

All I want for Christmas......

Jackson lost his other front tooth yesterday. He was so excited that it was finally out and he could put it under his pillow for the tooth fairy to find. He had been nursing his little loose tooth for quite a while. He was so afraid of it hurting when it came out. Daddy finally had to pull it out because it really was starting to look pretty gross! I held him down while Josh pulled it out. He was kinda freaking out, but he was so happy when it was out. Now he can sing, "All I want for Christmas is my two front teeth". Only 4 more days of school and then its Christmas break for 3 weeks. We leave on December 22nd for Utah to spend Christmas with the family. Everyone here is on countdown mode. Only 11 more days!